pregnancy skincare routine

Best Pregnancy Skincare Routine and All Natural Products

Table of Contents

Skincare is so important during pregnancy. Whether it’s to avoid or blend in stretch marks, just to alleviate the itching that comes with pregnancy or just to take care of your skin during this time, it is important to do the best possible to have a good skincare routine each day. I will be going over my pregnancy skincare routine along with all of the all natural products that I use to help me feel glowing, refreshed, and smooth. From showers, bathing, to even my morning and night routine. You will also find tips on how to blend, heal, and even avoid stretch marks during pregnancy regardless of your genetics and family background. And if you have had a c-section in the past, see how I have learned to ease the pain of stretching on my scar and maximize its ability to stretch and not itch as much.

pregnancy safe skincare routine maternity overlay the walking mermaid

Disclaimer: This blog post was created in collaboration with Bend Soap Co. There are affiliate links in this post. I will earn a small commission for every purchase at no additional charge to you. To learn more about how affiliate links work please read our Disclosure Policy. Thank you for using our links and for your support.


Throughout this article you will find that I mention to drink water… like ALL THE TIME!!! The reason being is because your skin is your body’s largest organ. Just like you would eat, take your vitamins, etc… to keep a balanced and overall health, you should do the same to protect your skin. By drinking plenty of water throughout the day you are helping your skin be flexible, healthy, and even allow it to heal faster. This is especially important during pregnancy to allow your skin to stretch and move all the ways it does during these months.

If you don’t drink enough water you will see it reflect on your skin. You will start to see dry areas on your skin, flakes, patches, and your skin will even start to itch more than usual. Pregnancy already makes your skin itchy, add lack of water and the itching can drive you crazy, especially at night.

I always recommend to drink one tall glass of water in the morning, if you can, and one before bed and of course all throughout the day. The reason I mention morning and night is because in the morning your body wakes up dehydrated. You haven’t had anything to drink for the last 8 to 10 hours so getting that water in is good. As for bedtime, you should definitely drink some because you won’t be drinking any throughout the night most likely. That’s a long time for your skin to go without water.

Tip: I can’t drink water first thing in the morning because it makes me nauseous so what I do is drink a small cup of coffee or eat something first before drinking my glass of water. 


pregnancy skincare routine


I am going to go over a series of pregnancy skincare routines that I have tried for all three of my pregnancies and have seen that work! I have switched a few of the products that I used with my first pregnancy and have seen a huge change on my skin as well. This pregnancy so far has caused my skin to be super dry so seeing that it is not just my biggest bump yet but that I have managed to take good care of my skin really makes me super happy. It is all about the routine that you keep during your day and about the products that you use. After all, you get what you pay for. Your skin is important and definitely worth taking care of.

*** Use coupon code TWM10 at Bend Soap Co. and get 10% off your first purchase. ***


Okay! Let’s get into my morning pregnancy skincare routine. This is such a refreshing way to start the day off right.

  1. Wash your face in the morning with Bend Soap Oatmeal Soap.
  2. Then apply some Bend Soap Co. Unscented Salve around your eyes.
  3. Afterwards, apply some Bend Soap Co. Lotion on your face, breasts, belly, hips, back, and thighs.
  4. Then put some of your favorite Bend Soap Co. Lip Butter on.
  5. Drink a cup of water. If I’m not feeling nauseous in the morning I will drink some water to help get me hydrated for the day. If I am feeling nauseous then I will eat something first or drink a small cup of coffee or oat milk before drinking my cup of water.


I am the kind of person that likes to shower or bathe in the afternoons or right before bed. If you prefer to do this in the morning that you can adjust it to your preference.


  1. Take a warm shower and bathe with Bend Soap Co. Lavender Soap or Bend Soap Co. Oatmeal Soap. If you have sensitive skin I would recommend using the Oatmeal Soap or the Unscented Soap.
  2. Wash your hair if needed.
  3. Rinse thoroughly.
  4. Apply the Bend Soap Co. Sugar Scrub and scrub real good. This helps get rid of any dead skin cells on my body. The sugar scrub is made with all natural oils so it scrubs away the bad while also applying a layer of oil that will heal and protect your skin.
  5. Rinse and dry off.
  6. Then apply your favorite Bend Soap Co. Lotion to my belly, back, thighs, breasts, and face. Make sure you get any areas of your skin that may seem dry and itchy throughout your pregnancy.
  7. Apply your favorite Bend Soap Co. Lip Butter to finish off.
  8. Get dressed and drink a cup of water. Sometimes when I get out of the shower I am thirsty so drinking water helps re-hydrate me.


*** Please make sure that your doctor gives you the okay to take baths before taking one. Don’t use hot water as this may lead to complications with your pregnancy. Always use lukewarm to cool water. 

  1. Fill the tub with cool to lukewarm water.
  2. Add some Bend Soap Milk Bath to the water as it is filling up. Mix around to dissolve it well into the water. You can also add Epsom Salt to help bring relief to your aches and pains. **Ask your doctor first before adding Epsom Salt. 
  3. Relax for a little bit.
  4. Bathe with your favorite Bend Soap Co. Goat Milk Soap.
  5. Drain the water and turn on the shower to rinse off.
  6. Use the scrub if needed. I like to use the scrub at least once to twice a week but you don’t have to use it every day.
  7. Rinse and dry off.
  8. I apply my favorite Bend Soap Co. Lotion to my belly, back, thighs, breasts, and face.
  9. Apply your favorite Bend Soap Co. Lip Butter.
  10. Get dressed and drink a cup of water.


woman applying lotion to baby bump pregnancy belly


If you showered right before going to bed then you don’t have to do everything for my nighttime pregnancy skincare routine. I would recommend just adding a few of them to complete the routine.

  1. Apply the Bend Soap Co. Unscented Salve around your eyes.
  2. Then apply Bend Soap Co. Lotion to your body as you did in the morning including your face.
  3. Apply your favorite Bend Soap Co. Lip Butter for lip protection.
  4. Drink a cup of water before bed time. If you wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom I would recommend drinking some more water to keep your skin hydrated throughout the night.


If you have had a previous c-section then you may feel some tugging on your scar. This is completely normal as your bump continues to grow throughout the next 40 weeks. However, in can be quiet uncomfortable. You may feel itching, pulling, and stretching on the scar. Here are some things that I recommend doing to avoid this pain and help give your scar the elasticity it needs to stretch and to heal as you go through this pregnancy.

  • Drink lots of water. I can’t stress this enough. Water is your skin’s best friend. It gives it the moisture and elasticity it needs to stretch from the inside out. It also gives your blood the needed amount if water for good circulation which can be crucial to you, your organs, your baby, and even your skin.
  • Keep your scar moisturized. I always recommend using the Bend Soap Co. Unscented Salve on your cesarean scar. The salve helps keep it moisturized and ready to stretch. I always apply the Salve before I apply the lotion.
  • Avoid using lace panties. I always recommend using cotton panties instead. The lace can be rough on the skin especially if it’s already sensitive. It can also cause your scar to be more itchy and turn red in color due to irritation from the lace.
  • Always apply your favorite Bend Soap Co. Lotion to your belly including your scar even if it’s over the salve. It helps give your c-section scar an extra layer of skin protection.


pregnancy skincare routine bend soap salve stretch mark prevention


Everyone usually freaks out about stretch marks. I’ve been there too! I feel your pain and frustration. You see some women get these big bumps and no stretch marks, yet here you are wondering why you are getting them and what you are doing wrong. I’m here to help you.

First off, a lot of key points goes into stretch marks. You probably hear people always say that stretch marks are genetic or that no matter what you will always get them. I’ve even seen so many women just give up and not even try to practice a good skincare routine just because of what other people say. I am one that highly believes in taking care of your body the best way possible. Don’t let those comments get to you. So let’s crack one point real quick before I show you my skincare routine.


A lot of people will tell you that if stretch marks runs in your family to not even bother. That genetics will play a role and there is nothing you can do to avoid them. I’m here to tell you that yes, genetics do play a big role in the event of stretch marks appearing on your body during pregnancy. However, there is a lot that you can do to heal them, minimize them, and even blend them. Plus even if you do get stretch marks, you shouldn’t look at them as something awful. They are NOT! Look at them as your tiger stripes that were placed on you as a sign of strength during your pregnancy. You are beautiful and amazing!!! 


Yes I do have a several stretch marks on my body. Over time I have learned to heal them, blend them, and even avoid them by practicing a good skincare routine. I remember when I got my first few stretch marks during labor with my first child. I worked so hard to not get any and then after labor I noticed around my belly button that I had red lines. My heart was torn but my husband just smiled and told me that it doesn’t matter. It’s the story that matters and that I am beautiful either way.

With my second child I got one that runs from my belly button down. This was my second biggest belly. I had slacked a little on my skincare routine but didn’t want to get more. Once I saw it, I jumped back on my skin care routine and started drinking water again.

I also have stretch marks on my butt, hips, and lower back. I always use lotion and over the time I have managed to blend them in pretty well. Please be patient. It does take time for your skin to heal just like any other wound, scrape, or even scratch. Give it a few weeks or even a month or two before stressing about the results.


Like previously mentioned, genetics does play a role but please don’t let this scare you. A lot of pros and cons play a role when it comes to stretch marks. My mom doesn’t have a single stretch mark on her but I do and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean that you should just give up on a good skincare routine just because of genetics. Other health conditions can run in your family but it doesn’t mean you can’t take care of yourself just because you think you are destined to get it?! This works the same way.

From my personal experience, the best way to heal and blend your stretch marks is by using the right products. One thing that I can tell you is to do your research on the products that you use. Here are some ingredients that I recommend you find in your products. It doesn’t have to be all of them. You can also buy some of these ingredients by themselves and apply them for extra protection. I linked the ones I trust below.


As for my skincare routine for stretch marks I like to do:

  1. Apply an oil on my skin. You can create your own blend as well. I like to use Vitamin E, Coconut Oil, and Jojoba Oil. I would mix it in a bottle and create my own mix at home for me to use. Bio Oil is another good option if you don’t want to create your own. I have also used Promise Bump Oil for Stretch Mark Defense and Repair and it has worked very well as well. It also smells very good.
  2. After applying the oil to my skin I would then apply my favorite lavender lotion from Bend Soap Co.
  3. Stay hydrated!!! I can’t stress this enough and will continue to say it all throughout my post. Hydration is key.

Make sure to apply these two products wherever you have stretch marks or are prone to get some at. For me its my hips, lower back, breasts, and bump so those are always my target areas.

maternity pregnancy skincare routine lotions bend soap stretch marks


Here are a few more pregnancy skincare tips to help you throughout your pregnancy.

  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Apply more lotion if you feel like your skin needs an extra layer of moisture.
  • Always take your prenatal vitamins every day.
  • Avoid sun exposure but if you do end up spending a lot of time in the sun, always wear sun protection. I would recommend all natural or pregnancy safe sunscreen products for extra safety.
  • Wear minimal makeup to avoid breakouts and use all natural makeup that won’t clog your pores. Make sure to wash your face very well at the end of the day or the event and apply a face moisturizer like Bend Soap lotion as well as some Bend Soap Salve around your eyes for extra moisture.
  • Always follow your doctor’s orders and use pregnancy safe products. If you are hesitant about any of the products you find or use, always consult with your doctor to be safe.

RELATED ARTICLE: Why You Should Wear Reef Safe Sunscreen


Well remember to hydrate, moisturize, and butter up that baby bump during your pregnancy. Whether it is genetics or not, always remember to take care of your skin just like it takes care of you and protects you. Don’t forget to always drink water throughout the day and to be patient and kind to your self always. Pregnancy is beautiful. It can be stressful but it is so beautiful and no matter what, it is worth it in the end.

Curious to see what your favorite skincare pregnancy products are? Have you ever tried any of the ones mentioned in this blog post? Let me know in the comments below. 

*** Don’t forget that if  you use coupon code TWM10 at Bend Soap Co. and get 10% off your first purchase. ***

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Hi, I'm Jessica!

I am a wife and mother to three amazing kids. A coffee addict and wine lover. I also have a huge love for the mountains and the the ocean. Through my blog I hope to inspire families to spend more time outdoors. 


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