10+ Must Have WordPress Plugins

WordPress has been a life changing switch for me. It has granted me many different possibilities to transform my blog and make it better all through the use of their different WordPress plugins. There is seriously a plugin for just about everything. You can use them to customize your website, for social media sharing, to […]

Self-Hosting Your WordPress

self host wordpress

From Hobby To Business When I first started blogging, I started with Weebly. It was an easy, drag and drop platform and very convenient but after further research I changed platforms to WordPress. I started blogging as a hobby back in end of 2015 with no idea of what I was doing. I was halfway […]

Composing A Good Hiking Blog Post

Blogging has been a huge learning experience for me. Learning how to properly compose a good hiking blog post was an issue I first learned how to address very quickly. I read so many articles during my first few months of other bloggers and their hiking posts and many of them were back and forth. […]